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Season Tickets 24/25

13 Jun 2024

Season tickets for the new Super Rygbi Cymru season will go on sale from tomorrow Friday 14th June.

Kicking off at home to Cardiff on September 14th, the season ticket covers 11 home games plus the loyalty card that comes with partner discounts.

General Manager Alun Pritchard  “Our season tickets are excellent value for money, especially with the loyalty card scheme meaning you can earn the cost of the ticket back in just a few transactions depending on which purchases you make.

I’m delighted that we’re adding to our list of partners who offer discounts on their products and services with the production of an RGC loyalty card, and we will continue to add more as we progress.

The new season promises to be extremely exciting with new league and cup structures, new signings and a concerted effort to play an exciting brand of rugby that RGC supporters know and love.”

Captain Afon Bagshaw: "Our support at Stadiwm CSM makes such a huge difference to the players, and it's a massive lift to run out at Stadiwm CSM on a Saturday in front of the fans.   With the new league and new format we are all excited and can't wait to get back on the pitch on a Saturday"

11 League Games (Cup and Pre-season games not included)

Adults £109

Concessions £89

U16s Free

Plus loyalty card with

10% off fanzone bar on RGC matchdays

10% off merchandise on RGC matchdays

Corporate-priced membership for Ffit Conwy

10% off Oxen purchases online

10% off main meals at Flat White café

 if businesses would like to be part of the loyalty card scheme then they can contact RGC

Matchday ticket prices 24/25

Adults - £12

Concessions - £10

U16s - Free

Season Tickets will be on sale from tomorrow (Friday 14th June) at Colwyn Leisure Centre or calling 0300 4569525