


Academic Partners

North Wales has been identified as a key Development Region for the future of Welsh Rugby, and in order for North Wales to develop the talent and stars of tomorrow, the North Wales Development Region has identified a number of Academic Partners who are working in partnership with the North Wale and Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) to ensure the region has a prosperous future.

Llandrillo Bangor University
Coleg Cambria

Academy Objectives

  • To provide a coaching, conditioning and educational programme to improve the performance and personal player development of identified young rugby talent from across the North Wales Region.
  • To develop future talent and quality of rugby represented in our North Wales Clubs, Region and RGC.
  • To provide a platform for future rugby, educational and career opportunities.

Academy Pathway

Candidates selected for the Academy follow an integrated timetable allowing study of a wide range of academic and vocational courses while accessing between 14 and 16 hours of rugby development every week.

The RGC Academy has a role and purpose which includes the identification and development of talented young athletes from the ages of 14 to 21 engaging them in a Performance development programme.

The Academy is the foundation and future for RGC and the North Wales Region.

Performance Roadshow